Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

Real rating: 5.9
Satirical, poignant, nonsensical and certainly not one of Vonnegut’s best written pieces.
Harrison Bergeron’s chiding lines towards the utter notion of equality ring true and shall always do so in any generation, as the changing of the hands of mankind is forever a questionable state of being, but for pure literary enjoyment it certainly does not deliver.

Harrison Bergeron

Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman

Real rating: 7.2/10
Leaves of Grass is notably celebrated and has been used by a multitude of different organisations to further their own causes, which in its own way may well have caused its rise into a literary classic more so than the prose itself should garner.
The work is structurally fleeting and does seem to follow a more stream of thought approach yet digs deep for verbiage that seems out of place given the stream of thought nature, which ultimately leads the prose to being mid to high level and jarringly off putting in places.
As a microcosm for understanding American culture and the ideals of the American way it is a boundless source of inspiration and should in turn be admired for that aspect, but not necessarily for all the prose that it features.

Leaves of grass.jpg

Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus by John Gray

Real rating: 0.8/10
Pop-psychology with the knowledge level of a stand-up comic who is on their third high ball. It delves into such cliché territory that it is no wonder that the book itself has become a cliché.
The completely unqualified Gray, who though stated as a PhD was not one at the time of writing the work, takes blind stabs at theories that have no scientific base, only a false belief and sells them to the reader as if they are gospel.
This is a book written solely for cash values and like works such the secret or any book telling you how to get rich, there are really no answers within only lies meant to take your money.

Men are from Mars

Six Stories by Stephen King

Real rating: 5/10
You are reading this collection solely for Autopsy Room 4 and you can find that tale in another collection. Which leaves the reader with several tales of mediocrity though the style has hints of Gerald`s Game throughout though ultimately the plot and pacing fall down without any payoff.

Six stories

Blockade Billy by Stephen King

Real rating: 5.4/10
King`s love of America`s favourite pastime shines through in this novella, his eye for the game`s hidden details and history are on full display. The story however has no real power, it becomes a dull tale of murder with out any sense of depth or afterthought.

Blockade Billy.jpg

I Am Legend by Richard Matheson

Real rating: 7.9/10
Frankenstein for the 20th century. A slow yet methodical take on humanities darkest fear. Not monsters but isolation, fear of the outside world and the clawing knowledge of one`s own futile existence. This spin on the classic monster tale reads well the style does not overwhelm instead it brings a subtle Hemingway approach to the understated existence of humanity and the monster all of us are capable of becoming. A must read for any fan of horror and for any who wishes to take a philosophical look at the nature of humanity.

I am Legend


Ride the Nightmare by Richard Matheson

Real rating: 4.6/10
A product of its time and seemingly locked within the boundaries of the cliche “Ride the Nightmare” is a dime store novel that aspiring authors read so they know that no one in the business starts out at the top of their game and secondly what they should try their darnedest not too reproduce.
The story is limited and the characters are flushed out yet still seemingly wooden, it is to be passed over unless you are a fan of 1950’s nostalgia and the plodding story telling of drugstore pulp fiction.

Ride the nightmare

Dirty Jokes and Beer: Stories of the Unrefined by Drew Carey

Real rating: 4.1/10
The standard I am famous so I should try and stretch out my revenue streams as much as possible biography. There is no awe inspiring life hidden behind the pages, there is the simple life of an average man that became famous for telling jokes about being an average man.
The one redeeming factor is the collection of jokes through out, so if you see it in a bargain bin for under a single whole unit of your currency then give it a read solely for the jokes.

Dirty jokes