Schindler’s List Directed by Steven Spielberg

The P.H. Metric 91/100

Directing:  9/10

A masterclass in direction. Spielberg’s connection to the source material pushed him to make something that defies any sort of dilettante criticisms. Every decision from the black and white to the stones hits hard and hits well. Leaving the viewer with a piece that is entertaining, yet horrifically beautiful as well as being the sort of thing any student of cinema should be studying.

Acting: 9/10

Liam Neeson’s best role, before he revealed to the world that method acting is not something he subscribes to, which in turn means Liam Neeson plays Liam Neeson every time. The rest of the cast offers more nuanced performances that really provide the viewer with a subdued approach to such horrors, allowing the audience to feel disconnected from the tragedy, yet thrust into its dark world.

Cinematography: 10/10

Red, red, red. Visually perfect.

Editing 10/10

Editing makes a film, it cannot be said enough. Actors and the like get the credit, but editors along with the writers and directors are the heart, spine and brain of a film and this film only furthers to reinforce the fact that actors are far from needed to meld a film into something sublime.

Score: 10/10

Williams provides another stellar score, which raises the question would Spielberg’s films be as successful with out them? That said, Williams builds tension that spills morosely over tragedy and celebratory fatigue.

Visual Effects: 8/10

The shower scene aside, the visual effects are done well and kept in the century they are meant to be in and keeps the viewer planted firmly in the time period.

Writing: 8/10

The writing is superb, however it does have one to many touches of the Hollywood penmanship to it, which does cause the film to drift into a territory that feels a little unnatural for the artistic intentions of the piece.

Production Design 9/10

Superb production design, save for a few touches in the concentration camps.

Costume Design 9/10

Authentic and eye catching, though does fall victim to the standard nerd mistakes.

Make-up/Hairstyle 9/10

Several hairstyles feel off for the period and the make-up department does benefit greatly from the black and white.

Schindler's List.jpg

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